Our private cloud is 100% managed by CCS engineers. Unlike Azure and Amazon AWS, we give you clear line-of-sight to your environment and always include unlimited IT support from our team of network and server engineers. Unlike competitors, our images aren't stock pictures. These are actual images of our state-of-the-art facility where your data will reside. With failover to Washington DC and San Jose, you'll never worry about the integrity of your data. Your quote will come bundled with any Microsoft software you need as a per user per month fee. Cost is easily projected and capital expenditures of the past have become easy operating line items of the future. Just bring whatever 3rd party software with you.....
Our environment is fully redundant from power, cooling, systems, and disk. We are consistently above a 99.9% up-time and monitor our gear with our Network Operation Center 24x7x365 to ensure your environment is performing optimally.
Our cloud comes standard with our Net-Assure managed service package which includes user-centric security features. Couple this with our Disaster Recovery Solution and you have successfully mitigated a tremendous amount of risk and are already winning the battle on compliance.