While managed services, specifically remote monitoring and maintenance, used to be enough, cyber crime is now the largest organized crime globally. Traditional endpoint managed services is simply not enough to protect your valuable data. As a Managed Security Services Provider, CCS has the tools to not only protect your devices, but arm your users with the skillset to defend themselves against hackers.
With bundled antivirus and Logmein Professional, we monitor 2,300 hardware and software events, perform full patch management including 3rd party software like Adobe Reader and Java, and do all this 24x7x365 via our Network Operations Center. With included hardware and software inventory performed, we manage your infrastructure from top to bottom. When it comes to your endpoints, we give you the line-of-sight to know you are hardened against any known vulnerability.
Your users are one of the biggest threats to your organization, and many companies ignore how important it is to address this risk. Net-Assure Enduser goes beyond the keyboard with bundled Security Awareness Training and phishing tests to ensure your users are getting the needed training to keep them safe. With web filtering built into the solution, we are checking all internet browsing against global trends real-time, monitoring 100 billion web requests daily and learning from the traffic. All while giving you content filtering capability to make sure users are following your Acceptable Use Policy along the way.
Endpoint and Enduser provide great protection against known threats and users.... well, being users. But how do you handle the unknown? In order to do this, you must go beyond evaluating files for good vs. bad. With Net-Assure Environment, we don't monitor virus definitions. With the latest in machine learning, we are watching processes that don't behave like a normal user. By adding an additional behavioral agent to each workstation and also monitoring millions of audit logs, we are writing you a story. And when that story line begins to not make sense, we lock things down. And like with Net-Assure Endpoint and our Network Operation Center, we watch your security 24x7x365 with our Security Operations Center, ensuring that exploits don't wreak havoc while your business is closed.
We love pressure, put it on our shoulders. When you get unlimited helpdesk support, it pays for us to fix it right the first time. Add the fact that you get an invoice that is predictable month after month, and that is a win/win situation. With Unlimited Helpdesk, we provide you all included Microsoft and core infrastructure support at a per user per month rate.