While voice is at the heart of our offering, we offer so much more than just an office phone. With the ability to span multiple facilities including home offices, our solution is geographically unaware. With included e-fax, instant messenger, and virtual meetings, the solution can handle all your communication needs. All with the ability to scale at a moments notice. Bring your current phone numbers with you and see the benefits of a cloud phone solution.
Virtual Office running on your PC, laptop, and smartphone, connects you to the entire organization at a moments notice. See who is on the phone or away from their desk, send them an IM, or call back missed calls with a click of a button. Keep customers from being connected to your sales person's mobile phone number. Simply use the app and it dials out your main office number.
When you host in the cloud, everyone is a remote user. So we don't mind that you have 5 locations. Everyone has an internal extension. And with the cloud being redundant, outages are a thing of the past. No power at your facility? No problem! Just let us know what to do with the calls and they automatically forward to an Auto Attendant, mobile device, or even another office.
Without the expense of a phone system on location, the start-up is extremely low. Just pay for phones and implementation and that's it. Your current phone bill can also be cancelled in most cases, which also helps lower the overall monthly expense of the solution.
No more do SMB's need to wish they could afford enterprise solutions. With everything from call queues, manager review, and even all the way up to interactive voice response, the solution is robust to meet your ever changing business.